Department Blog
Department news, events, and snapshots of student life at SVA in New York City.
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New MoMA Product: Modern Geometry Jewelry Stand by Nihaarika Arora ‘23
Products of Design alum Nihaarika Arora ‘23 is now in the MoMA Design Store!

New MoMA Product: An Interview with Designer-Alum Monica Albornoz
We chatted with Monica Albornoz, MFA PoD ’23, to learn about the process behind her De Stijl Tumbling Tower as well as her time at PoD.

New MoMA Product: An Interview with Designer-Alum Giancarlo Cipri
We sat down for a chat with Giancarlo Cipri, MFA PoD ’22, to learn more about the design behind his Perpetual Sliding Calendar, now available at the MoMA Design Store.
Panisa Khunprasert is in the windows of MoMA!
Huge congratulations to Class of 2016 alum Panisa Khunprasert, who is featured in both downtown and midtown windows of the Museum of Modern Art Gift Design Stores! Panisa’s relationship with MoMA began with MFA Products of Design’s annual collaboration with MoMA Wholesale, and the partnership has blossomed ever since. (Panisa’s coasters were the very first product produced as part of that partnership 6 years ago!) Check out some of the snapshots below.

2 New Student-Designed Products Debut in the Spring 2020 MoMA Catalog!
We are so proud to share that the two latest products from our partnership with MoMA have debuted in Museum of Modern Art Catalog—and are now for sale in their museum store as well as gift and museum shops around the world! Congratulations to Julia and Micah!

PoD Alum Oscar de la Hera Gomez Awarded for MoMA Partnered Product
Alum Oscar de la Hera Gomez (class of 2016) has recently won several awards for his Ambi Chopsticks & Holders, designed for MFA Products of Design’s collaboration with the MoMA Design Store.

Student-Designed Products Launch at the MoMA Design Store!
We are extraordinarily proud that for the entire month of April, the two New York-based MoMA Design Stores are dedicating their windows and in-store displays to the collaboration with MFA Products of Design department! For the launch of 6 new products, an Opening Reception was held in midtown Manhattan last Thursday night. Check out photos below of the packed house, guests, and featured products designed by Products of Design students!

Josh Corn's Multi-ccino Mug in the New York Times!
Florence Fabricant (herself!) wrote up an item in the New York Times about Josh Corn's Multi-ccino Mug in the New York Times this week—one of 6 MFA Products of Design objects that will be celebrated during the month of April in both MoMA retail stores! (The department is also designing the window displays for both the midtown and SoHO stores.) Congratulations Josh!

New MoMA Catalog Devotes Entire Spread to Products of Design!
We are beyond honored to be featured in the brand new MoMA Wholesale Catalog in the form of an entire spread devoted to the projects produced as a result of MoMA's 4-year-long collaboration with SVA's Products of Design program. (Last year one of our students' projects was featured on the cover!)